Lincoln, UK: My First Week
This week has been so overwhelming. I’ve been in the UK for a full seven days now, and today is the first day I’ve had completely to myself. But, I ended up sleeping through half of it! Once I finally...
My Thoughts Before Moving to a Different Country
First of all, I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity. The idea of living on my own, away from home, is thrilling. I’ll have the freedom to be anyone I want, with no one knowing my past. It’s a fresh...
Dreams vs. Fears: Confronting the Paralysis of Ambition
There are some moments in life that you could say — this was the moment my life changed. The 19th January was mine. I was feeling awful. I could not go to bed because that would mean that...
How I exercised every day for 10 weeks…at 5:40 A.M.
I will start this story from a peculiar angle. Bear with me! January 14th: University — the first semester ended, and I finally had free time! Yippee! Finally, time to rest and do the things I want...
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